Cursos On-line da MRC

Educação de nível internacional
Em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora

Cursos On-line

Navegue pela nossa ampla gama de cursos on-line que cobrem uma variedade de tópicos, começando no nível introdutório e progredindo para as disciplinas avançadas..

Observe que esta página será atualizada com novos cursos regularmente.

    Foundation Courses
    • Introdução à Filosofia da MRC

      6 Capítulos - 60 min (CE Elegível)

      Este curso é o seu primeiro passo para começar, oferecendo uma introdução à filosofia de tratamento da MRC.

      Course Code: MRC0101
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    • Introdução aos Distúrbios da ATM

      5 Capítulos - 40 minutos (CE Elegível)

      Este curso fornece uma breve introdução à avaliação e tratamento dos distúrbios da ATM. Ao concluir este módulo, você obterá uma compreensão do histórico, das causas subjacentes e da abordagem simples da MRC para o diagnóstico e tratamento inicial dos distúrbios da ATM.

      Código do Curso: MRC0401
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    • O Sistema Myobrace®

      10 Capítulos - 2 horas e 10 minutos (CE Elegível)

      Este curso ensina como começar a corrigir as más oclusões tratando os distúrbios respiratórios e miofuncionais subjacentes usando o Sistema Myobrace®.

      Código do Curso: MB0101
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    Myosa® for Kids
    • O Sistema Myosa® for Kids

      10 Capítulos - 2 horas e 10 minutos (CE Elegível)

      Este curso ensina como começar a tratar distúrbios respiratórios e miofuncionais em crianças usando o Sistema Myosa®for Kids.

      Código do Curso: MS0101
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    Myosa® for TMJBDS®
    • O Sistema Myosa® for TMJBDS®

      10 Capítulos - 60 min (CE Eligible)

      Este curso ensina como tratar os distúrbios da ATM, abordando os problemas respiratórios e miofuncionais subjacentes usando o Sistema Myosa® for TMJBDS®.

      Course Code: TM0101
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    Advanced Courses
    • Programa de Atividades Myobrace®

      21 Capítulos - 2 hr 25 min (CE Eligible)

      Este curso avançado fornece uma análise aprofundada das Atividades Myobrace®, incluindo informações básicas, de como passá-las e solução de problemas.

      Course Code: MB0201
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    • The Farrell Bent Wire System™ (BWS)

      8 Capítulos - 1 hora e 45 minutos (CE Elegível)

      Este curso fornece uma visão geral do The Farrell Bent Wire System™ (BWS), que é uma técnica de desenvolvimento de arco comumente utilizada combinada com o uso de aparelhos MRC. Este curso abrange os principais componentes necessários para fabricar, encaixar e ajustar um BWS de forma eficaz.

      Observe que o BWS é uma técnica avançada e só deve ser usado por profissionais que estejam adequadamente treinados e familiarizados com o Sistema Myobrace®.

      Código do Curso: MB0301
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    Subscriber Study Club
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #15


      This is the fifteenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 20-minute webinar focuses on the Myobrace®for Kids Broad series and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #14


      This is the fourteenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on Getting Started with Myobrace® in the Private Practice and includes a Q&A session with Dr Jessica Waller answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #13


      This is the thirteenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 20-minute webinar focuses on patient flow and includes a Q&A session with Senior Myobrace Educator Jessica Maidman answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #12


      This is the twelfth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 35-minute webinar focuses on diagnostic records for Myobrace® and includes a Q&A session with Dr Madeeha Khan answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #11


      This is the eleventh instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 40-minute webinar focuses on the Myolay™ clinical application/uses and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #10


      This is the tenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on treating Class III with the Myobrace® I-3 & P-3 series and includes a Q&A session with Dr Jessica Waller answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #9


      This is the ninth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 35-minute webinar focuses on the realistic expectations of treating adults with The Myobrace® System and includes a Q&A session with Dr Madeeha Khan answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #8


      This is the eighth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 45-minute webinar focuses on sizing and fitting the Myobrace® appliance and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #7


      This is the seventh installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on sizing and using the Myobrace® for Teens Stage 3 (T3) and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #6


      This is the sixth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on active myofunctional training with the Myotalea® appliance range and concludes with a Q&A session with Jessica Maidman to answer questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #5


      This is the fifth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 20-minute webinar focuses on simplifying fixed orthodontics with the Myobrace® for Braces treatment system, as well as a Q&A session with Dr Jessica Waller answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #4


      This is the fourth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 40-minute webinar is a full-length Q&A session in which Dr Emad Ahangari answers various questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #3


      This is the third installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 40-minute webinar focuses on improving patient compliance with MRC's treatment systems and concludes with a Q&A session with our senior Myobrace® educator, Jessica, who answers questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #2


      This is the second installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on the appropriate time to switch from one Myobrace® appliance to another and concludes with a Q&A session where Dr Khan answers questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

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    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #1


      This is the first installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 45-minute webinar covers a range of important questions submitted by subscribers about MRC's treatment systems.

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    • O caminho para a Odontologia Miofuncional: Série de Webinários 2020

      13 Capítulos - 20 horas (CE Elegível)

      Esta série de seminários web levará você a uma jornada pela odontologia miofuncional, começando com um histórico de figuras notáveis, até a avaliação e tratamento dos pacientes.

      Código do Curso: MRCW0101
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    • Introduction to Myofunctional Orthodontics - English

      5 Capítulos - 6 hr 25 min

      This course provides an introductory overview of myofunctional orthodontics, with an inclusive view of The Myobrace® System and how it is used to treat malocclusion, breathing and myofunctional disorders.

      Please note: Chapter 1 free.

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    • Introducción a la Ortodoncia Miofuncional - Español

      5 Capítulos - 6 hr 25 min

      Este curso proporciona una descripción general 'Introductoria de la Ortodoncia Miofuncional', con una visión completa del sistema Myobrace® y cómo se usa para tratar la maloclusión y los trastornos de respiración y miofuncionales.

      Tenga en cuenta: capítulo 1 gratuito.

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    • Introduction à l'orthodontie myofonctionnelle - Français

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Ce cours apporte une introduction à l'Orthodontie myofonctionnelle, avec une vue d'ensemble du système Myobrace® et de la manière dont il est utilisé pour traiter la malocclusion, la respiration et les troubles myofonctionnels.

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    • Introduzione all'ortodonzia miofunzionale - Italiano

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Questo corso fornisce una panoramica introduttiva all'ortodonzia miofunzionale, con una visione completa del sistema Myobrace® e di come viene utilizzato per trattare malocclusioni, respirazione e disturbi miofunzionali.

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    • Einführung in die myofunktionelle Kieferorthopädie - Deutsch

      5 Capítulos - 6 hr 25 min

      Dieser Kurs bietet einen einführenden Überblick über die myofunktionelle Kieferorthopädie mit einem umfassenden Überblick über das Myobrace®-System und dessen Verwendung zur Behandlung von Malokklusion, Atmung und myofunktionellen Störungen.

      Bitte beachten Sie: Kapitel 1 kostenlos.

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    • Johdanto Myofunktionaaliseen Ortodontiaan - Suomi

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Tämä kurssi on johdanto myofunktionaaliseen oikomishoitoon, sisältäen kattavan perehdytyksen Myobrace®-systeemiin sekä sen käyttöön purentavirheiden, hengityksen sekä myofunktionaalisten häiriöiden hoidossa.

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    • Εισαγωγή στη μυολειτουργική ορθοδοντική - Ελληνικά

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Αυτό το μάθημα παρέχει μια εισαγωγική επισκόπηση της μυολειτουργική ορθοδοντική, με μια περιεκτική προβολή του συστήματος Myobrace® και του τρόπου με τον οποίο χρησιμοποιείται για τη θεραπεία της αναπνευστικής δυσλειτουργίας  και των μυολειτουργικών διαταραχών.

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    • Введение в Миофункциональную Ортодонтию - на Русском

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Данный курс – введение в миофункциональную ортодонтию с рассмотрением системы Myobrace® и информацией о том, как использовать аппараты для лечения нарушений прикуса, дыхательных и миофункциональных расстройств.

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    • Въведение в Миофункционалната Ортодонтия - на Български

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Този курс е въведение в Миофункционалната ортодонтия. Той дава общ поглед върху системата Myobrace® и приложението и при лечение на  малоклузии, дихателни и миофункционални проблеми.

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    • Miofunkcinės ortodontijos įvadas - Lietuvis

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Šiame kurse pateikiama įvadinė daugiafunkcinės ortodontijos apžvalga, įskaitant „Myobrace®“ sistemą ir tai, kaip ji naudojama gydant netaisyklingą sąkandį, kvėpavimo ir daugiafunkcinius sutrikimus.

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    • Uvod v miofunkcionalno ortodontijo - Slovenščina

      2 Capítulos - 60 min

      Ta tečaj obsega uvodni pregled miofunkcionalne ortodontije, vključno z opisom sistema Myobrace® in njegovo uporabo za zdravljenje malokluzije, motenj dihanja ter miofunkcionalnih motenj.

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    • Introductie Myofunctionele Orthodontie - Nederlands

      5 Capítulos - 6 hr 25 min

      Deze cursus is een introductie van myofunctionele orthodontie, inclusief het Myobrace® systeem en hoe dit systeem ingezet kan worden om malocclusie, adem- én myofunctionele stoornissen te behandelen.

      Let op: Gratis Hoofdstuk 1.

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    • Introductie Myosa vroegbehandeling: Het nieuwe behandelprotocol - Nederlands

      1 Capítulos - 2 u 20 min (geschikt voor CE-punten)

      Dit is de eerste OMFT-webinar van MRC. Tijdens de webinar 'Introductie Myosa® vroegbehandeling - Het nieuwe behandelprotocol' maak je kennis met de wereld van Myosa® voor kinderen, de Myosa® voor kinderen appliances, het belang van gewoontecorrectie op jonge leeftijd, het OMFT evaluatieformulier en alle potentiële behandelmogelijkheden.

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