MRC International Summit

Wed, November 1 2023 - Sat, November 4 2023
Waalwijk, The Netherlands

MRC International European Summit

MRC’s 2023 International European Summit will teach you the myofunctional evaluation system that identifies breathing and myofunctional problems limiting facial growth and causing malocclusion, as well as provide you with the ability to treat myofunctional problems evident in almost every child. 

The four-day summit includes workshops on how to diagnose and treat airway dysfunction, TMJ Disorder (TMD) and malocclusion. MRC CEO & Founder, Dr. Chris Farrell, will be a key presenter, along with leading myofunctional orthodontic practitioners.


  • Practical aspects of the implementation of myofunctional treatment in your practice
  • Understanding the development of occlusion and function
  • Diagnosis of soft tissue dysfunction, sleep breathing disorders, tongue tie and malocclusion
  • An extensive presentation of treatment possibilities with MRC’s different treatment systems: Myobrace®, Myosa® for Kids and Myosa® for TMJBDS®
  • Effectively educating parents and patients to achieve consistent results
  • Myofunctional orthodontics: Treating the causes rather than the symptoms of malocclusion
  • Evaluation and discussion of cases


Practitioner: €1555 for 4 days / €1435 for 3 days
Staff (max. 2 per practice): €1015 for 4 days / €895 for 3 days

Discounts: 25% MEMBER / 50% MCP

Key Presenters

Dr Chris Farrell

Dr Chris Farrell graduated from Sydney University in 1971 having gained a comprehensive knowledge of traditional orthodontics using the BEGG technique. Through clinical experience, Dr Farrell took an interest in TMJ/TMD disorder and, following further research, he discovered the aetiology of malocclusion and TMJ disorder was myofunctional, contradicting the established views of his profession. Dr Farrell founded Myofunctional Research Co. (MRC) in 1989 to develop myofunctional appliances that would prove effective in early orthodontic treatment. His Trainer and Myobrace® appliance systems are now used by orthodontists and dentists in more than 100 countries around the world.

Dr John Flutter
BDS London

Dr Flutter qualified as a dentist at Kings College Hospital Dental School at the University of London in December 1971 and practiced dentistry in the UK until moving to Australia in 1977. Dr Flutter has been practising orthodontic treatment for 44 years and become familiar with all techniques involved, with particular interest in the benefits of integrating a Biobloc with emphasis on establishing nasal breathing for improvement of growth, health, facial development and orthodontic stability over orthodontic excellence alone.

Dr Flutter has been adopting MRC's systems into his clinics since October 2009 and is a certified breathing practitioner and Buteyko breathing practitioner who has lectured extensively on 'Myofunctional Influences on Facial Growth and Dentition' in 67 countries over the last 22 years.

Dr Vincenzo Giorgino
Qualified Specialist in Orthodontics

Dr Giorgino Vincenzo has been using Myobrace® since 2011 and started speaking at scientific conferences on Myobrace® treatment of specific cases in 2014. Since then he has continued to study Myobrace® treatment protocol, integrating it with his knowledge of bioprogressive orthodontics, gnathology, treatment of sleep disorders and myofunctional therapy. As an orthodontist, he exclusively performs myofunctional, lingual and bracket-less orthodontics. As the first Myobrace® provider in Italy, he is the referral specialist of the Myobrace® Study Groups in Italy and is also a SIDO and DDS member.

Dr Steven Olmos

Dr Steven Olmos has been in private practice for more than 30 years, with the last 20 years having been devoted to research and treatment of craniofacial pain, temporomandibular disorder (TMD), and sleep disordered breathing. He obtained his DDS from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry and is board certified in both chronic pain and Sleep Related Breathing Disorders (SRBD) by the American Board of Crainofacial pain, the American Academy of Pain Management, American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, and American Board of Craniofacial Pain and Dental Sleep Medicine.

Dr Madeeha Khan
BOralH GDipDent

Dr Madeeha Khan completed her studies in dentistry at Griffith University in 2016, achieving awards for academic excellence for three consecutive years. She has been working at the Myobrace® Pre-Orthodontic Center since completing her studies and is passionate about improving the overall health of children.

Dr Soroush Zaghi

Dr Zaghi is a graduate of Harvard Medical School, UCLA Otolaryngology (ENT) residency, and Stanford Sleep Surgery Fellowship. He is very active in clinical research with over 60+ peer-reviewed research journal publications and is a recognised leader on advancing standards of care for sleep-disordered breathing and tongue-tie surgery. He is now in practice in Los Angeles, CA, in the United States through The Breathe Institute where the focus of his clinical practice and research efforts is now on understanding the impact of tethered oral tissues on sleep-disordered breathing and maxillofacial development in children and as a risk factor for upper airway resistance syndrome and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in adults.

Dr Imran Rangzeb

Dr Imran Rangzeb is the clinical lead, and principal dentist at Town Hall Dental. To him, providing a patient with anything less than the very best dental care is not an option. It is Dr Rangzeb’s aim and ambition to approach dentistry from the perspective of innovation, always looking for cutting edge technologies to enhance his treatment capabilities and, thus, he is continually setting the standard higher for what Town Hall Dental can achieve in dentistry.

Dr Soraia Oliveira
Qualified Specialist in Orthodontics

Dr Soraia Oliveira graduated dental medicine in Porto, Portugal, in 2009. She specialized in clinical orthodontics in 2013 and has since dedicated herself exclusively to orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. She passionately continued her postgraduate training in pediatric dentistry and became Invisalign invisible orthodontics certified in 2017. She currently holds the Diamond category, reflecting her high level of experience in the technique. Believing in the establishment of nasal breathing in order to improve the growth and development of children, she combines the various orthodontic techniques (MBT, self-ligating and aligners) with The Myobrace® System. Dr Soraia Oliveira was the first Myobrace® provider and speaker in Portugal.

Dr Luca Levrini

Luca Levrini is an associate professor at the University of Insubria (Como and Varese, Italy), where he serves as the director of the Postgraduate School in Orthodontics and vice president of the Degree School in Dental Hygiene. He provides clinical dental services as the University Medical Director at the Public Macchi Hospital of Varese (Italy).

He is also a national councilor of the Sindacato Unitario Specialità Ortodonzia and a member of the Order of Journalists of Lombardy, on the publicists list. Additionally, he is the president of the Alessandro Volta Foundation and the National Ministerial Committee for the celebrations of the birth of Pliny the Elder. He also serves as Governance Coordinator of Como UNESCO Creative City. He is the author of more than sixty publications indexed on PubMed.

Dr Peter Jan Meulenbelt

Dr Peter Jan Meulenbelt graduated as a general practitioner from the University of Utrecht in 1981. His interest in orthodontics started in in the early 90’s when he attended the first course of Progressive Orthodontic Seminars (POS), introducing orthodontics to general practitioners. Together with three colleagues he founded the Orthodontic Association for General Practitioners (OVAP), which had around 450 general practitioners listed as members, and he was a member of the OVAP board for many years. In 1997, he organised a course (Habitual Mouth Breathing, more than just an orthodontic problem) and acted as moderator of this OVAP-course. After following several postgraduate courses within the Netherlands and abroad, his practice started working with the Bioprogressive Therapy of Dr Robert M. Ricketts. In 2012, he learned about MRC and the Myobrace® treatment protocols.

As a result of the summer of 2015, he started the first clinic for preventive orthodontics in the Netherlands, Wijs Met Je Neus, using myofunctional equipment and OMFT. In 2020, he started giving lectures to dentists and other practitioners on the health benefits of using the Myobrace® treatment system compared to traditional orthodontics. His interest in using the BWS in combination with Myobrace® has become a strong pillar of his practice.

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