MRC’s Online Courses

World-class education
Anywhere, anytime

Online Courses

Browse through our wide range of online courses covering a variety of topics, starting at the introductory level and progressing to the advanced subjects. Use the Course Topics menu to navigate to the course you are interested in.

Please note that this page will be updated with new courses on a regular basis.

    Foundation Courses
    • Introduction to MRC's Philosophy

      6 Chapters - 60 min (CE Eligible)

      This course is your first step to getting started, providing you with an introduction to MRC's treatment philosophy.

      Course Code: MRC0101
      0% Completed
    • Introduction to TMJ Disorders

      5 Chapters - 40 min (CE Eligible)

      This course provides you with a brief introduction to evaluation and treatment of TMJ disorders. On completion of this module you will gain an understanding of the history, underlying causes, and MRC's simple approach to the diagnosis and initial treatment of TMJ disorders.

      Course Code: MRC0401
      0% Completed
    • The Myobrace® System

      10 Chapters - 2 hr 10 min (CE Eligible)

      This course teaches you how to get started treating malocclusion by addressing the underlying breathing and myofunctional disorders using The Myobrace® System.

      Course Code: MB0101
      0% Completed
    Myosa® for Kids
    • The Myosa® for Kids System

      10 Chapters - 2 hr 10 min (CE Eligible)

      This course teaches you how to get started treating breathing and myofunctional disorders in children using The Myosa®for Kids System

      Course Code: MS0101
      0% Completed
    Myosa® for TMJBDS®
    • The Myosa® for TMJBDS® System

      10 Chapters - 60 min (CE Eligible)

      This course teaches you how to use The Myosa® for TMJBDS® System to provide integrated treatment of TMJ and airway disorders by correcting the underlying habits.  

      Course Code: TM0101
      0% Completed
    Advanced Courses
    • The Myobrace® Activities Program

      21 Chapters - 2 hr 25 min (CE Eligible)

      This advanced course provides you with in-depth analysis of the Myobrace® Activities, including background information, how to deliver them and troubleshooting.

      Course Code: MB0201
      0% Completed
    • The Farrell Bent Wire System™ (BWS)

      8 Chapters - 1 hr 45 min (CE Eligible)

      This course provides an overview of The Farrell Bent Wire System™ (BWS), which is a commonly used arch development technique combined with the use of MRC’s appliances. This course covers the key components required to fabricate, fit and adjust a BWS effectively.

      Please note that the BWS is an advanced technique and should only be used by practitioners who are adequately trained and familiar with The Myobrace® System.

      Course Code: MB0301
      0% Completed
    Subscriber Study Club
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #17 - The Myobrace® Billing Structure


      This is the seventeenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 25-minute webinar focuses on the Myobrace® Billing Structure and includes a Q&A session with Myobrace®Administration Co-ordinator Leah Maynard answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #16 - Treatment in the Primary Dentition


      This is the sixteenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on the Myofunctional Orthodontic Treatment in the Primary Dentition series and includes a Q&A session with Dr Jessica Waller answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #15 - Myobrace® for Kids Broad series


      This is the fifteenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 20-minute webinar focuses on the Myobrace®for Kids Broad series and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #14 - Getting Started with Myobrace®


      This is the fourteenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on Getting Started with Myobrace® in the Private Practice and includes a Q&A session with Dr Jessica Waller answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #13 - Myobrace® Patient Flow


      This is the thirteenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 20-minute webinar focuses on patient flow and includes a Q&A session with Senior Myobrace Educator Jessica Maidman answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #12 - Diagnostic Records for Myobrace®


      This is the twelfth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 35-minute webinar focuses on diagnostic records for Myobrace® and includes a Q&A session with Dr Madeeha Khan answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #11 - Myolay™ Clinical Application/Uses


      This is the eleventh instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 40-minute webinar focuses on the Myolay™ clinical application/uses and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #10 - Treating Class III with Myobrace®


      This is the tenth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on treating Class III with the Myobrace® I-3 & P-3 series and includes a Q&A session with Dr Jessica Waller answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #9 - Treating Adults with Myobrace®


      This is the ninth instalment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 35-minute webinar focuses on the realistic expectations of treating adults with The Myobrace® System and includes a Q&A session with Dr Madeeha Khan answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #8 - Sizing and Fitting Myobrace® Appliances


      This is the eighth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 45-minute webinar focuses on sizing and fitting the Myobrace® appliance and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #7 - Myobrace® for Teens Stage 3


      This is the seventh installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on sizing and using the Myobrace® for Teens Stage 3 (T3) and includes a Q&A session with Dr Emad Ahangari answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #6 - The Myotalea® Appliance Range


      This is the sixth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on active myofunctional training with the Myotalea® appliance range and concludes with a Q&A session with Jessica Maidman to answer questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #5 - The Myobrace® for Braces


      This is the fifth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 20-minute webinar focuses on simplifying fixed orthodontics with the Myobrace® for Braces treatment system, as well as a Q&A session with Dr Jessica Waller answering questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #4 - Subscriber Question & Answer


      This is the fourth installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 40-minute webinar is a full-length Q&A session in which Dr Emad Ahangari answers various questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #3 - Patient Compliance


      This is the third installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 40-minute webinar focuses on improving patient compliance with MRC's treatment systems and concludes with a Q&A session with our senior Myobrace® educator, Jessica, who answers questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #2 - Switching Myobrace® Appliances


      This is the second installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 30-minute webinar focuses on the appropriate time to switch from one Myobrace® appliance to another and concludes with a Q&A session where Dr Khan answers questions submitted by MRC Subscribers.

      0% Completed
    • MRC Subscriber Study Club #1 - Myofunctional Orthodontics Introduction


      This is the first installment of the MRC Subscriber Study Club. This 45-minute webinar covers a range of important questions submitted by subscribers about MRC's treatment systems.

      0% Completed
    • The Road to Myofunctional Orthodontics: 2020 Webinar Series

      13 Chapters - 20 hr (CE Eligible)

      This webinar series will take you on a journey through myofunctional orthodontics, starting with a history of notable figures, right through to the evaluation and treatment of patients.

      Course Code: MRCW0101
      0% Completed
    • Introduction to Myofunctional Orthodontics - English

      5 Chapters - 6 hr 25 min

      This course provides an introductory overview of myofunctional orthodontics, with an inclusive view of The Myobrace® System and how it is used to treat malocclusion, breathing and myofunctional disorders.

      Please note: Chapter 1 free.

      0% Completed
    • Introducción a la Ortodoncia Miofuncional - Español

      5 Chapters - 6 hr 25 min

      Este curso proporciona una descripción general 'Introductoria de la Ortodoncia Miofuncional', con una visión completa del sistema Myobrace® y cómo se usa para tratar la maloclusión y los trastornos de respiración y miofuncionales.

      Tenga en cuenta: capítulo 1 gratuito.

      0% Completed
    • Introduction à l'orthodontie myofonctionnelle - Français

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Ce cours apporte une introduction à l'Orthodontie myofonctionnelle, avec une vue d'ensemble du système Myobrace® et de la manière dont il est utilisé pour traiter la malocclusion, la respiration et les troubles myofonctionnels.

      0% Completed
    • Introduzione all'ortodonzia miofunzionale - Italiano

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Questo corso fornisce una panoramica introduttiva all'ortodonzia miofunzionale, con una visione completa del sistema Myobrace® e di come viene utilizzato per trattare malocclusioni, respirazione e disturbi miofunzionali.

      0% Completed
    • Einführung in die myofunktionelle Kieferorthopädie - Deutsch

      5 Chapters - 6 hr 25 min

      Dieser Kurs bietet einen einführenden Überblick über die myofunktionelle Kieferorthopädie mit einem umfassenden Überblick über das Myobrace®-System und dessen Verwendung zur Behandlung von Malokklusion, Atmung und myofunktionellen Störungen.

      Bitte beachten Sie: Kapitel 1 kostenlos.

      0% Completed
    • Johdanto Myofunktionaaliseen Ortodontiaan - Suomi

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Tämä kurssi on johdanto myofunktionaaliseen oikomishoitoon, sisältäen kattavan perehdytyksen Myobrace®-systeemiin sekä sen käyttöön purentavirheiden, hengityksen sekä myofunktionaalisten häiriöiden hoidossa.

      0% Completed
    • Εισαγωγή στη μυολειτουργική ορθοδοντική - Ελληνικά

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Αυτό το μάθημα παρέχει μια εισαγωγική επισκόπηση της μυολειτουργική ορθοδοντική, με μια περιεκτική προβολή του συστήματος Myobrace® και του τρόπου με τον οποίο χρησιμοποιείται για τη θεραπεία της αναπνευστικής δυσλειτουργίας  και των μυολειτουργικών διαταραχών.

      0% Completed
    • Введение в Миофункциональную Ортодонтию - на Русском

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Данный курс – введение в миофункциональную ортодонтию с рассмотрением системы Myobrace® и информацией о том, как использовать аппараты для лечения нарушений прикуса, дыхательных и миофункциональных расстройств.

      0% Completed
    • Въведение в Миофункционалната Ортодонтия - на Български

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Този курс е въведение в Миофункционалната ортодонтия. Той дава общ поглед върху системата Myobrace® и приложението и при лечение на  малоклузии, дихателни и миофункционални проблеми.

      0% Completed
    • Miofunkcinės ortodontijos įvadas - Lietuvis

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Šiame kurse pateikiama įvadinė daugiafunkcinės ortodontijos apžvalga, įskaitant „Myobrace®“ sistemą ir tai, kaip ji naudojama gydant netaisyklingą sąkandį, kvėpavimo ir daugiafunkcinius sutrikimus.

      0% Completed
    • Uvod v miofunkcionalno ortodontijo - Slovenščina

      2 Chapters - 60 min

      Ta tečaj obsega uvodni pregled miofunkcionalne ortodontije, vključno z opisom sistema Myobrace® in njegovo uporabo za zdravljenje malokluzije, motenj dihanja ter miofunkcionalnih motenj.

      0% Completed
    • Introductie Myofunctionele Orthodontie - Nederlands

      5 Chapters - 6 hr 25 min

      Deze cursus is een introductie van myofunctionele orthodontie, inclusief het Myobrace® systeem en hoe dit systeem ingezet kan worden om malocclusie, adem- én myofunctionele stoornissen te behandelen.

      Let op: Gratis Hoofdstuk 1.

      0% Completed
    • Introductie Myosa vroegbehandeling: Het nieuwe behandelprotocol - Nederlands

      1 Chapters - 2 u 20 min (geschikt voor CE-punten)

      Dit is de eerste OMFT-webinar van MRC. Tijdens de webinar 'Introductie Myosa® vroegbehandeling - Het nieuwe behandelprotocol' maak je kennis met de wereld van Myosa® voor kinderen, de Myosa® voor kinderen appliances, het belang van gewoontecorrectie op jonge leeftijd, het OMFT evaluatieformulier en alle potentiële behandelmogelijkheden.

      0% Completed

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