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Case Support

Do you have an enquiry that relates to your clinical practice? Case support is a service we offer which provides assistance with questions related to treatment, such as troubleshooting cases or fabrication of a treatment plan. Depending on the nature of your enquiry, there may be fees involved. Click the button below for more information.

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Common Questions

Do you have a question which doesn't relate to a specific patient? These may be questions about the website, appliances, orders, and more. Browse our FAQs to see answers to the most common enquiries. If your question still hasn’t been answered, you can submit an enquiry using the contact form at the bottom of the page.

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Myofunctional Orthodontics Forum

We are interested in fostering lively conversation regarding all facets of myofunctional orthodontics with other dental professionals. This Facebook group was created to provide a platform for discussion regarding diagnosis and myofunctional pre-orthodontic treatment of malocclusion, effective ways to correct soft tissue dysfunction, breathing and ways to treat TMJ Disorder (TMD).

The conversation is not limited to only these topics though. Please feel free to share any questions or feedback you may have about your myofunctional pre-orthodontic experience.

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