Myosa® for TMJBDS® Stage 1 Hybrid - S1H

Establish a functional airway and permits active exercises

The Myosa® for TMJBDS® S1H is specifically designed for patients who are breathing and disordered sleep (BDS) primary with moderate to severe BDS as indicated by a Breath Hold Time (BHT) of 20 or less. These patients may or may not have TMJ disorders, but due to the severity of their BDS, they require immediate improvement of their airway. The features of the appliance not only work to open the airway, but also allow patients to undertake initial exercising of the lip, tongue and airway muscles. Progress to the S1 when the patient’s BHT reaches 20 seconds or more.

Design Features

The design features of the S1H open the airway and allow initial exercising of the orofacial and airway muscles in patients with moderate to severe BDS.

Directions for Use

The Myosa® appliance is to be used for one to two hours each day, plus overnight while sleeping. The patient's teeth may become slightly sensitive in the early stages of treatment. This is quite normal, however, if pain becomes excessive, decrease application time with the aim to build it back up once the appliance is accustomed to and sensitivity subsides. The Myosa® appliance may change the position of the teeth and jaws, though the flexibility of the appliance minimises this potential.

Cleaning the Appliance

The Myosa® appliance should be cleaned under warm running water every time the patient removes it from their mouth.

Use Myoclean™ tablets to thoroughly clean twice a week. Myoclean™ is the recommended cleaning agent for all MRC appliances.



Appliance Instructions

Downloadable pdf document with instructions specifically for the S1H.

Download Resource

Myosa® Appliance Catalogue

Downloadable pdf document detailing the Myosa® appliance range.

Download Resource

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