Myobrace® Certified Educator

Fri, August 29 2025 - Sat, August 30 2025
Fulda, Germany

Myobrace® Certified Educator (Two-Day Course)


Provide Myobrace® treatment at the highest level of effectiveness, efficiency and profitability by certifying your Myobrace® educators. 

This course provides educators with a myofunctional evaluation system designed to identify breathing and myofunctional issues that hinder facial growth and contribute to malocclusion. It also equips participants with the skills needed to address myofunctional problems commonly found in children.


This course is suitable for practices who have completed MRC’s other training programs and are already providing Myobrace® treatment but want to provide it at the highest level by training a fully certified educator to enhance the delivery of Myobrace® treatment.  

Please Note: This course is only available to practitioners who have completed an introductory online and/or in-person myofunctional orthodontic course or auxilliaries who work at a practice alongside a practitioner who has met these minimum requirements.


  • In-depth exploration of SBAS and treatment options with all MRC appliances.
  • Efficient education of parents and patients to achieve consistent results.
  • Practical workshop on Myobrace®Activities & Fast Track.
  • How to issue a Myobrace® appliance to improve compliance and comfort while preventing damage.
  • Use of the Myobrace® Educator (ME) Check to assess functionality.
  • Training and in-depth understanding of treatment options with the product range (Myobrace®, Myosa®, and Myotalea®) in combination with the Myobrace®Activities App.


€945.00 plus VAT for doctors

€575.00 plus VAT for assistants

The fee includes beverages, lunch, course materials, and a certificate.

Nos formateurs

Dr Saskia Wolf
M.Sc. Orthodontics

After studying dentistry at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich, she completed her postgraduate studies in orthodontics at the Danube University in Krems in 2009. In addition to her practice, she works as a speaker for Myobrace® and trains interested colleagues and their teams in the myofunctional therapy concept of Myobrace®.

Mr Jurgen Toemen
Training Consultant Germany, MRC Europe

Jurgen a rejoint l'équipe d'MRC Europe en 2019. Il est membre de l'équipe de conférenciers d'MRC Europe pour le marché allemand et dispense un accompagnement clinique, pédagogique et dans le cadre des formations dispensées auprès des professionnels dentaires germanophones et aux membres de leur personnel.

In-house Training Enquiry

Renseignez le formulaire ci-dessous et un représentant d'MRC donnera suite à votre demande dans les plus brefs délais.