シンプルで効果的な治療 不正咬合 呼吸機能障害 顎関節症 筋機能障害
呼吸機能障害と筋機能障害は頭蓋顔面の劣成長と関連がありますが、歯科医療従事者は、特に成長期の子どもにおいて、これらの障害をシンプルに効果的に治療する方法を持ち合わせていませんでした。MRCのMyobrace® Systemがそのご要望にお応えします。
- クリニックの収入増加
最小限のチェアタイムにより、診療の流れが改善し、クリニックの生産性が向上します。 - 導入が容易
既成の装置を用いたシンプルで効果的な治療。 - 魅力的な治療
多くの患者さんが求めるアプローチを提供できます。 - 統合されたシステム
呼吸機能障害と筋機能障害は頭蓋顔面の劣成長と関連がありますが、歯科医療従事者は、特に成長期の子どもにおいて、これらの障害をシンプルに効果的に治療する方法を持ち合わせていませんでした。MRCのThe Myobrace® Systemがそのご要望にお応えします。
- クリニックの収入増加
最小限のチェアタイムにより、診療の流れが改善し、クリニックの生産性が向上します。 - 導入が容易
既成の装置を用いたシンプルで効果的な治療。 - 魅力的な治療
多くの患者さんが求めるアプローチを提供できます。 - 統合されたシステム
呼吸機能障害と筋機能障害は矯正治療を複雑にし、思わしくない結果や治療期間の延長、後戻りにつながります。Myobrace® for Bracesを矯正装置と併用することによりこれらの障害を同時に治療できます。本装置は容器から取り出してすぐに使用できます。
- 優れた結果
呼吸と筋機能の習癖を改善することで、より早く、シンプルで効果的に矯正治療を行うことができます。 - 印象採得が不要
容器から取り出してすぐに使用可能な既成装置のため、技工料がかかりません。 - 多機能
1つの装置でアーチフォーム、歯の配列、II級、安定性など多くの改善をはかります。 - 快適性の向上
呼吸機能障害に関する意識が高まっているもかかわらず、歯科、医科の医療従事者はシンプルで効果的な改善策を持ち合わせていません。MRCのThe Myosa® Systemはその需要を満たし、呼吸機能障害と筋機能障害の円滑な治療を可能にします。
- 導入が容易
どの診療にも組み込める既成装置によるシンプルなプロトコル。 - 効果的な結果
呼吸機能障害と筋機能障害の両方を治療することで、機能の回復を高めます。 - 患者さんの受け入れが高まります
患者さんに好まれる非侵襲的で低リスクのアプローチ。 - 多様なプロトコル
顎関節症の治療を行っても、予知性のある十分な結果が得られないと、落胆することとなります。MRCの The Myosa®for TMJBDS® Systemは、顎関節治療を取り巻く不可解さと複雑さを取り除き、医療従事者と患者さんにソリューションを提供します。
- 導入が容易
シンプルかつ効果的なプロトコルにより、顎関節治療の複雑な問題がが解消されます。 - 効果的な結果
顎関節症、呼吸機能障害、筋機能障害を同時に治療し、より良い結果を生みます。 - お手頃価格のシステム
低コストの既成装置が、医療従事者と患者さんの双方に経済的メリットをもたらします。 - 魅力的な治療
- コンプライアンスの向上
筋機能装置を使って患者さんの理解とコンプライアンスを高めましょう - 他に類を見ないデザイン
装置の高度なデザインが、かつてない方法で、筋機能療法を可能にします - 導入が容易
装置は、使い方を説明したインサートカード入りの容器から取り出してすぐに使用できます - 広い適用範囲
Dr Barry Raphael - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder of Raphael Centre for Integrative Orthodontics, International Lecturer
“...MRC’s systems allow me to address the triad of risk factors involved in breathing dysfunction. The truth is that I could not maintain my integrative orthodontic practice without it…”
Dr Ana Lorena Gomez - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder, Ortoc Clinic, International Lecturer
“....Now that I’ve learnt about MRC’s systems, it is no longer possible to ignore the concept of treating the causes and only treat the symptoms as I used to…”
Patrick McKeown - Breathing Specialist
World Renowned Buteyko Breathing Instructor, Best-Selling Author and International Lecturer
“...it is not enough just to straighten teeth; development of the jaws, airway and face using child friendly appliances, such as MRC’s systems, should be the primary objective…”
Prof Gisele Pedroso Moi - Specialist Orthodontist and Paedodontist
Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Sergipe
“...The Myobrace® and Myosa® systems have been found to be useful and highly relevant assistive devices for the correction of inappropriate tongue posture, mouth breathing, poor lip seal, atypical swallow and consequently improving the sleep quality of pediatric patients…”
Dr Paulo Soares - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder of Instituto Felicitas, International Lecturer
“....I grew frustrated with the training and tools that conventional orthodontics has to offer because I felt I was only alleviating some symptoms but never addressing the real cause. MRC’s appliances empower us to become true life changers for our patients…”
Dr Carola Engelberts - Dentist
Founder of the German Association of Orofacial Myofunction. Member of AAMS and AOMT Germany
“...altogether we have faster, greater and more stable results using MRC’s systems and both kids and adults are happy that we use this simple and effective method to treat them…”
Dr Steven R. Olmos - Dentist
Founder of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres, World Renowned International Lecturer and Researcher
“...I am daily amazed with MRC’s appliances... the pliable materials, the thoughtful management of the tongue, muscles of respiration and function, decompression of inflamed TM Joints... Simply brilliant…”
Dr Soroush Zaghi - ENT, Sleep and Breathing Specialist
Medical Director, The Breathe Institute, World Renowned International Lecturer and Researcher
“...MRC’s products are wonderful adjunct tools to help kids and adults achieve exclusive nasal breathing… I routinely prescribe Myobrace®, Myosa® and Myotalea® appliances to my patients…”
Dr Derek Mahony - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder, Full Face Orthodontics and Dental Sleep Medicine, World Renowned International Lecturer
“...MRC has a very comprehensive system that can address the causes of airway and soft tissue dysfunction to provide an effective, simple and preventative solution for SDB and malocclusion…”
A/Prof David McIntosh - Pediatric ENT Specialist
Founder, ENT Specialists, International Lecturer
“...any adjunct treatments that encourage the child to return to nasal breathing are to be considered and the range of Myobrace® products and their treatment philosophy to encourage nasal breathing are such options…”
Dr Andrew Bachour - Dentist
Owner and Principal, TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre, Brisbane
“...it is rare however to come across a system or idea that significantly impacts the way you practice. Myofunctional Research Co. has done just this…”
Prof Tarek El-Bilaly - Specialist Orthodontist
Professor of Orthodontics and Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta
“...Myobrace® and The Trainer System made it easier for my patients with deep and open bites to be treated when traditionally the options may have been surgery or extraction of their teeth…”
Dr David Shirazi - Dentist
Owner of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre, Conejo Valley, International Lecturer
“...MRC is an amazing company focusing on the oral health and wellbeing of children and adults, in the safest and most cost-effective manner I know of…”
Dr Mike Mew - Specialist Orthodontist
Principal and Lecturer at the London School of Facial Orthotropics, International Lecturer
“...even though I do not fully implement Myobrace® treatment, I find the system an excellent adjunct to Biobloc Orthotropics…”
Dr Soraia Oliveira - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder of Boca Alegre Clinics
“...I'm very grateful to have found The Myobrace®System because it changed my mind and my way of working…”
Prof Fabiano Guerra Ferreira - Specialist Orthodontist
Professor and Post-doctoral Research in Orthodontics at CEVO/FACOP
“...When I was introduced to MRC's philosophy in 2010, I became passionate about myofunctional orthodontics, which transformed my life!…”
Dr Faizel Mansoor - Dentist
Founder of the Fresherbreath & Dentalcare groups
“...We are educating patients and dental colleagues to move from a corrective symptom-based model of healthcare to a preventative/interceptive, causal model of healthcare incorporating MRC's protocols with The Myobrace®System…”
Dr David Buck - Dentist
Founder of Balance Epigenetic Orthodontics, International Lecturer
“...Further, in my opinion, every four-year-old should be offered a Myobrace® appliance to protect the airway and promote proper jaw development…”
Dr Vincenzo Giorgino - Dentist
Qualified Specialist in Orthodontics
“...In 2014, I began speaking at scientific conferences about Myobrace®, focusing on the treatment of specific cases…”
Dr Barry Raphael - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder of Raphael Centre for Integrative Orthodontics, International Lecturer
When I was first introduced to The Myobrace®System in 2008, I was told that I should be using Myobrace® in every case because every case of malocclusion has some degree of soft-tissue dysfunction. Admittedly, it took me some years until I got to the point where every child's treatment begins with a regimen of breathing and muscle training using The Myobrace®System. I had to go through a process of changing my focus on teeth to a focus on the muscles and breathing as the true etiologies of malocclusion. Finally, I am of the mind that if I can get a child to breathe through the nose, have the lips closed and the tongue on the palate at rest, and teach them to swallow without using their facial muscles, that I can help children grow up with straight teeth with little or no use of braces. If I could make it so, that's how all children would be treated. In fact, I believe that once this approach is widely adopted by contemporary culture, the Myobrace® will become as ubiquitous as the toothbrush. It will just be a necessary part of health hygiene. The Myobrace®System is the core service in my practice. It supports the biomimetic work of helping the face and jaws grow naturally straight with good support for cranial function, posture, nutrition, easy breathing, and restful sleep. It supports the orthopedic remodeling that must be done when there has been previous damage to the growth structures that must be undone. And it is compatible with the collaborative treatments done with other professionals such as myofunctional therapists, cranial osteopaths, physical therapists, physicians, and others. MRC’s systems allow me to address the triad of risk factors involved in breathing dysfunction: the structure, the function, and the behaviors of the airway and breathing. The truth is that I could not maintain my integrative orthodontic practice without it. I have the deepest respect and gratitude to Dr Chris Farrell and the others that have taught me at MRC: Dr John Flutter, Prof German Ramirez, Damien O'Brien, Dr Chris Norton, and more. You have helped change the world for the better.
Qualifications: DDS, DMD (Ortho).
Dr Ana Lorena Gomez Guardia – Specialist Orthodontist
Founder, Ortoc Clinic, International Lecturer
I incorporated The Myobrace®System into my practice in 2004 . Since that time, I have found that I needed to increase my knowledge in the physiology of the stomatognathic system. The continuing education program of Myofunctional Research Co. in this matter is so superior that it encouraged me to become a provider of health for my patients instead of just aesthetics or a form driven provider. After attending multiple summits and most recently the MFT Certification course, I now have a deep understanding of correct breathing patterns, correct muscle activity, correct posture, correct chewing etc. The use of The Myobrace®System assists you in changing these patterns and mastering these skills, which are a must if we want to get stability and aesthetics in a healthier patient. At present, my practice has changed its approach 100% to addressing the problem and immediately focusing on the myofunctional evaluation so the patient can receive a Complete Diagnosis of the real underlying problems. Now that I’ve learnt about MRC’s systems, it is no longer possible to ignore the concept of treating the causes and only treat the symptoms as I used to.
Qualifications: DDS, MSD (Orthodontics), Certified Damon Provider, Certified Invisalign Provider, Diplomate in Superior Education, Member of the Panamanian Orthodontic Society, Member of the World Federation of Orthodontics.
Patrick McKeown - Breathing Specialist
World Renowned Buteyko Breathing Instructor, Best-Selling Author and International Lecturer
Straight teeth do not create a good looking face, but a good looking face creates straight teeth. Most parents are unaware that persistent mouth breathing, tongue thrusting and thumb sucking during childhood not only cause crooked teeth, but also contribute to poor development of the face. It is not enough just to straighten teeth; development of the jaws, airway and face using child-friendly appliances, such as MRC’s systems, should be the primary objective. For over 30 years MRC has been educating and supporting healthcare professionals who care about helping children reach their full potential.
Qualifications: BA, MA, Dip. Buteyko.
Prof Gisele Pedroso Moi - Specialist Orthodontist and Paedodontist
Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Sergipe
In my clinical practice, I seek to diagnose and treat the oro-functional changes of pediatric patients as soon as possible. This is extremely important for a good prognosis, as about 80% of the growth of the face at six years is already complete. In addition, the growth of the skull base is closely related to the growth of the structures that form the midface (nasal cavity, orbits, maxillary sinuses, alveolar processes and teeth). Thus, any imbalance in orofacial functions may trigger disharmonies in the craniofacial growth of pediatric patients. The Myobrace® and Myosa® systems have been found to be useful and highly relevant assistive devices for the correction of inappropriate tongue posture, mouth breathing, poor lip seal, atypical swallowing and consequently improving the sleep quality of the pediatric patient. MRC products, especially the Myobrace® and Myosa® systems, have been important allies in the early treatment of myofunctional imbalance of the pediatric patient's stomatognathic system, as they enable the immediate initiation of treatment of inappropriate tongue posture, the mouth breathing, deficient lip sealing, of atypical swallowing and therefore promoting improvement in the sleep quality of the pediatric patient.
Qualifications: DDS, MSD, PhD, PostDoc, Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry - ABO.MT, City Manager Specialist - FAAP.SP, Orthodontic Specialist - DARWIN INSTITUTE - MT and Ingá University Center - UNINGÁ, Qualification in Conscious Sedation and Nitrous Oxide – ABASCO.SP, Master in Dental Clinics - Pediatric Dentistry - FO.UFRGS, PhD in Dentistry - Cariology - FOP. UNICAMP, PhD in Dentistry - Collective Health - FOP. UNICAMP, Postdoctoral in Preventive and Social Dentistry - FOP. UNICAMP, Adjunct Professor, Department of Dentistry - DOD.UFS.
Dr Paulo Soares - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder of Instituto Felicitas, International Lecturer
As an orthodontist, I always try to intervene and prevent the malocclusions and craniofacial dystrophies from the earliest time possible. I grew frustrated with the training and tools that conventional orthodontics has to offer because I felt like I was only alleviating some symptoms but never addressing the real cause. It was with great joy that I came across the Myobrace® and Myosa® systems. I've been using the appliances and the techniques for over 13 years and I can finally treat the soft tissue dysfunctions that cause airway and craniofacial growth issues. I'm having a very positive impact on my patients' health and quality of life. MRC's appliances empowers us dentists to become true life changers for our patients.
Qualifications: DDS, MSD (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics).
Dr Carola Engelberts - Dentist
Owner of Richmodent - Zahnärzte Köln, International Lecturer
For me, performing orthodontics without using The Myobrace®System beforehand makes no sense. Kids receive other benefits beyond straighter teeth including better sleep, behaviour and other significant health benefits. With the help of Myobrace®, we are creating beautiful healthy patients and not just straightening their teeth. We also use Myobrace® for dental sleep treatments in adults with fantastic outcomes. Altogether we have faster, greater and more stable results using MRC’s systems and both kids and adults are happy that we use this simple and effective method to treat them.
Qualifications: Founder of the German Association of Orofacial Myofunction. Member of AAMS and AOMT Germany.
Dr Steven R. Olmos - Dentist
Founder of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres, World Renowned International Lecturer and Researcher
As an educator, researcher, clinician, author, and Founder of the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres of Excellence (over 60 throughout 7 countries), a standardized protocol is vital to reproducible success. Having limited my practice to chronic facial pain (primary headaches, TMD, neuralgia), and breathing disorders for over 25 years, it is clear to me that most chronic facial pain conditions have a respiratory origin or aggravate symptoms. Dr. Chris Farrell should be honored for merging effective therapies of myofunctional exercises, appliances (Myobrace® series), and delivery systems for respiratory, orthopedic, and neural dysfunction. I am amazed daily with MRC’s appliances and their continued evolution of design are universally applicable to my patients. The pliable materials, the thoughtful management of the tongue, muscles of respiration and function, decompression of inflamed TM joints, and nerve entrapment by restoration of proper nasal breathing. Simply brilliant. The net result is balanced cranial skeletal structure, orthopedic stability, restoration of proper breathing, and well-aligned dentition. From age two to elderly, these techniques and appliances are used as either a primary treatment or as adjunct for every patient we treat. If you are unfamiliar with the myriad of indications and uses, please reach out to MRC.
Qualifications: DDS, Diplomate: ABCP (American Board of Craniofacial Pain), Diplomate: ABCDSM (American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine), Diplomate: ABDSM (American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine), Diplomate: AIPM (Academy of Interdisciplinary Pain Management), Fellow: AAOP (American Academy of Orofacial Pain), Fellow: AACP (American Academy of Craniofacial Pain), Fellow: IAO (International Association of Orthodontics), Fellow: ICMMO (International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics), Fellow: ADI (Academy of Dentistry International), Immediate Past-President of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, Senior Instructor: IAO (International Association of Orthodontics).
Dr Soroush Zagh - ENT, Sleep and Breathing Specialist
Medical Director, The Breathe Institute, World Renowned International Lecturer and Researcher
MRC’s products are wonderful adjunct tools to help kids and adults achieve exclusive nasal breathing, lip seal, swallow pattern and high resting tongue posture. I routinely prescribe Myobrace®, Myosa® and Myotalea® appliances to my patients, and I commend MRC on their wonderful lineup of products, as well as their commitment to research and innovation for patients with myofunctional and sleep/breathing disorders.
Qualifications: BS (UCLA), MB (Harvard), General Surgery Internship and Head and Neck Surgery Residency (UCLA), Sleep Surgery Fellowship (Stanford).
Dr Derek Mahony - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder, Full Face Orthodontics and Dental Sleep Medicine, World Renowned International Lecturer
I have been a supporter of MRC for 30 years now. MRC has a very comprehensive system that can address the causes of airway and soft tissue dysfunction to provide an effective, simple and preventative solution for sleep disordered breathing and malocclusion. I encourage every orthodontist to learn and understand more about their systems via their excellent educational platforms. Orthodontics is no longer about just straightening teeth. We have an obligation to our patients to improve their airways and posture.
Qualifications: BDS (Syd), MScOrth (Lon), DOrthRCS (Edin), MDOrthRCPS (Glas), MOrthRCS (Eng), FRCD (Can), MOrth RCS (Edin), FICD, IBO, FACD, FICCDE, FIADFE, FPFA, Grad Dip Dental Sleep Medicine (WA), Grad Dip Dent (Ortho), Diplomate of International Board of Orthodontics, Visiting Professor - City of London Dental School.
A/Prof David McIntosh - Pediatric ENT Specialist
Founder, ENT Specialists, International Lecturer
As a paediatric ENT, I am very focused on making sure children can breathe properly. A particular concern is children who have trouble breathing through their nose such that they become mouth breathers. Once the cause of the mouth breathing is addressed, any adjunct treatments that encourage the child to return to nasal breathing are to be considered and the range of Myobrace® products and their treatment philosophy to encourage nasal breathing are such options.
Qualifications: MBBS, PhD, FRACS (ENT).
Dr Andrew Bachour - Dentist
Owner and Principal, TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre, Brisbane
As a practitioner, it is natural to develop your skills and understanding gradually over time. It is rare, however, to come across a system or idea that significantly impacts the way you practice. Myofunctional Research Co. has done just this. I use the entire range, The Myobrace®System being the one I use most and the new Myotalea® TLJ being my recent favourite. Any modality that addresses the origins of problems rather than just their symptoms will have my full support.
Qualifications: BDSc (Hons) MScMed (Sleep Medicine) CertBBM.
Prof Tarek El-Bilaly - Specialist Orthodontist
Professor of Orthodontics and Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta
Myobrace® and The Trainer System made it easier for my patients with deep and open bites to be treated when traditionally the options may have been surgery or extraction of their teeth, with or without skeletal anchorage devices. My patients like using MRC’s systems compared to the aforementioned traditional invasive techniques.
Qualifications: PhD, FRCD(C), EMBA, ABO, Dr. Med. Dent. Alexander von Humboldt Experienced Research Fellow, RCDC Councilor for Orthodontics.
Dr David Shirazi - Dentist
Owner of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre, Conejo Valley, International Lecturer
MRC is an amazing company focusing on the oral health and wellbeing of children and adults, in the safest and most cost-effective manner I know of. They employ wonderful and kind-hearted people who really care about the future of our world and wish to prevent any struggle or pain therein. I commend and honor MRC and their team for helping move the world forward.
Qualifications: DDS, MS, MA, LAc, D.ABCP, D.ABC-DSM.
Dr Mike Mew - Specialist Orthodontist
Principal and Lecturer at the London School of Facial Orthotropics, International Lecturer
At our clinic we use the Myobrace®K1, T1 and A1 large appliances. I find they are useful for a number of things including: improving general dental alignment, allowing space closure in the buccal segments, improving buccal interdigitation while maintaining arch width and inhibiting any peri-oral lip activation and breaking this habit permanently. Even though I do not fully implement Myobrace® treatment, I find the system an excellent adjunct to Biobloc Orthotropics.
Qualifications: BDS (Lond), MSc (Ortho).
Dr Soraia Oliveira - Specialist Orthodontist
Founder of Boca Alegre Clinics
I'm very grateful to have found The Myobrace®System because it changed my mind and my way of working. For me, orthodontics is not just about aligning teeth. We need to go deep and diagnose the real causes of malocclusion. With The Myobrace® System, my kids and teens achieve a better quality of life. We must open our eyes! Braces or aligners can’t change faces of patients like this system allows us to. Nowadays, I check all my patient's breathing and sleep, and when parents understand the importance of this breathing and myofunctional training, we have amazing results!
Qualifications: DDS, MSD Orthodontics, Invisalign Certified.
Prof Fabiano Guerra Ferreira - Specialist Orthodontist
Professor and Post-doctoral Research in Orthodontics at CEVO/FACOP
When I was introduced to MRC's philosophy in 2010, I became passionate about myofunctional orthodontics, which transformed my life! It didn't take long to realize the Myobrace® and Myosa® systems can effectively provide integrated treatment for breathing and myofunctional disorders and the resulting deficient facial growth and development, malocclusions, TMDs, and airway-related problems. Moreover, upon considering the establishment of the physiological breathing pattern as the "link" for a healthy life, MRC's conception establishes a new paradigm for diagnosing and treating oral conditions and preventing severe systemic-related diseases. So today, as a health professional, I dedicate my duties to the dissemination of the invaluable benefits of the Myobrace® Protocol through my dental clinic, or teaching, lecturing, researching and publishing its extraordinary results. Finally, MRC’s myofunctional orthodontics allows me to see the joy in the eyes of every treated child as well as a healthier and happier future in which they could live. In my view, Dr Chris Farrell created the most valuable and powerful treatment philosophy for health promotion of all time!
Qualifications: DDS, MSc (Ortho), Ph.D. (Dental Clinics), Postdoc Researcher in Orthodontics, Professor & Lecturer on Myofunctional Orthodontics (OrthoMundi), Researcher, Author.
Dr Faizel Mansoor - Dentist
Founder of the Fresherbreath & Dentalcare groups
The Myobrace® has been a game changer in the South African dental landscape. We are educating patients and dental colleagues to move from a corrective symptom-based model of healthcare to a preventative/interceptive, causal model of healthcare incorporating MRC's protocols with The Myobrace®System. The patient results and provider interest speak for themselves. I am proud to be associated with Dr Chris Farrell and his team.
Qualifications: BDS, MBA (cum laude) Wits, member of the South African Dental Association.
Dr. Vincenzo Giorgino - Specialist Orthodontist
Born in Italy and graduated in Dentistry in 2007, in Pavia.
I was born in Italy and graduated in Dentistry in 2007 from Pavia. I began using Myobrace® in 2011. In 2014, I began speaking at scientific conferences about Myobrace®, focusing on the treatment of specific cases. Since then, I have continued to deepen my understanding of the Myobrace® treatment protocol, integrating it with my knowledge of bioprogressive orthodontics, gnathology, treatment of sleep disorders, and myofunctional therapy. As an orthodontist, I exclusively practice myofunctional, lingual, and bracket-less orthodontics, utilizing “extra-occlusal functional anchorage” afforded by the use of Myobrace® appliances in all my orthodontic cases. My vision of “healing from malocclusion” places the correction of dysfunction at the center of treatment. I use The Farrel Bent Wire System™ (BWS) to address sagittal and transverse issues and posterior occlusal veneers for vertical problems when necessary, to achieve predictable and stable results. As the first Myobrace® Provider in Italy, I teach how to integrate the Myobrace® protocol into dental practices and serve as the referral specialist for the Myobrace® Study Groups in Italy.
Qualifications: DDS Member, SIDO